From fast fashion to regenerative fashion

Arianna Hulshout / Mart Veeken

Is it possible to curb the horrible outcomes of trending fast fashion, which is the second cause of world pollution, by breaking the traditional business model built on the assumption of infinite growth? Is it possible to reduce the waste of linear production and linear thinking (in terms of natural resources, exploitation of workers, and use of non-renewable energies) and create high quality products that are good for the environment and the people making them? Mart Veeken, our guest for this new episode of Greenvolution, started LablFashion with the aim of redesigning the idea of fashion, making it sustainable in several respects. Together with a small team of professionals, he opened up a community in Kenya where clothes are produced literally from cotton to the t-shirt (or skirt, sweater, etc.) This eco-friendly fashion firm is proof that we can change the way we see clothes: no longer as disposable garments, but as objects with a story, created with passion and love for the planet and humankind. 

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